How to say NO! to sex

One of the hardest things about being in a relationship can be saying no to sex. It’s okay to say no to sex before you are ready, but sometimes it can be hard – especially when your friends are having sex or your boyfriend is asking you to.

Tips on how to say NO to sex:

  • Use the word ‘No’ – there is no better substitute to get your message across.
  • Be confident in your response and follow through by repeating until he or she gets the point.
  • Knowing the common ways that people pressure others into having sex and practice what you say before the situation arises. This will help eliminate some of that on-the-spot pressure.
  • If a situation feels uncomfortable to you, simply walk away and stay away.
  • Your body language can sometimes send mixed signals. Use body language that will get your point across clearly. Don’t say
  • ‘No’ but then keep kissing and making out with your partner – this will only confuse your message
  • Saying no isn’t a rejection of the person, it is a rejection of the request.

 Remember: It’s always better not to put yourself in a situation where you might be pressured into having sex. Importantly, you should always make sure to avoid being alone with someone that you feel uncomfortable with.


 Pressure Lines

Heard these before? Here are some common lines someone might use to pressure you into sex:

  • If you really loved me, you’d have sex with me.
  • I won’t see you anymore if you don’t have sex with me.
  • Everybody else is doing it.
  • We did it once before, why not now?
  • I know you want to do it, but you’re just afraid of what people will say.

 No one has the right to force you to do anything intimate against your will.

Sexual assault is against the law, even in marriage.

No one may hit or abuse you to obtain sex.

If you feel unsafe, call the Police on 917, the Child Helpline on 1325 or Medical Services Pacific on 363 0108.

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