Disaster Relief
We help in times of disaster
In times of disaster, MSP works in partnership with local and national governments and partner civil society organisations (CSOs).
In Fiji, MSP coordinates with the National Disaster Management Office, the United Nations (UN) Office for the Coordination of Humanitarian Affairs (OCHA) and relief partners such as Rotary International.
MSP medical teams are available to deploy in times of disaster to add capacity to local government health responses or to provide capacity to larger humanitarian emergency responses (pending resources).
As per policy, MSP staff are also available to consultant to various disaster committees and rapid response units. MSP uses the Sphere Guidelines ‘Minimum Standards in Disaster Response’ and emergency response staff are provided with neccessary training.
Peace and Conflict
MSP is a rights-based organization that supports the right of all to live in peace and endorses the Universal Declaration of Human Rights and associated conventions including the CRC and CEDAW.
When delivering aid in the context of conflict, MSP uses OECD endorsed risk assessment, peace building, conflict assessment and conflict resolution tools and protocols.
As required, MSP staff are trained in Local Capacities for Peace (LCP) ‘do no harm’ approaches to delivering aid (and development projects) safely in the context of conflict or tension, in a way that supports local capacities for peace.
The MSP Executive Director is a Master Trainer in LCP ‘do no harm’ as developed by the Collaborative for Development Action (please refer to the CDA Do No Harm website list of approved trainers) and is also an approved SPHERE Trainer.
MSP undertakes risk assessments throughout the project cycle when operating in fragile locations.
MSP refers to UN and World Health Organization (WHO) guidelines and protocols when responding to health care requirements in the context of tension, war, emergencies or disaster – specifically “Reproductive Health during Conflict and Displacement: a Guide for Programme Managers”.
Our Partners

Cyclone Relief
MSP provides relief aid in times of natural disaters
- Maternal and Child Health
- Children – IMCI and Child Protection
- WASH – stopping Vector and Water Borne Diseases
- Hygiene and Sanitation
- Sexual and Reproductive Health (referring to Minimum Initial Services Package – SPHERE guidelines)
- Distribution of Dignity Kits to reproductive age groups
- Distribution of WASH kits (if we can source them)
- Counselling, psychosocial first aid reporting
- General Medical/Emergency/Referrals
- Protection – women and girls,
- Food Security (vegetable seeds)
Our numbers that speak
We have results that push us to give our best every day and make sure that we reach more & more people. We are happy to be growing and helping more women & youth day by day.